
You can request a refund here for any reason.

Our refund policy has got your back.

100% no fluff, just as promised. 


We're committed to ensuring you walk away happy. We'll make it right

We want you to know that we value you as a customer, and your satisfaction is all we obsess about.

We intend to always provide a delightful experience, that’s why we don’t compromise if our products don’t leave you satisfied.

How does it work?

Once you fill in the form below, a message will be sent to us and we’ll check if the request is made within the required return period of thirty days. When clear, we’ll initiate the refund process. 

No other action is required.

How long will it take?

Once we click “refund,” the job that’s left is all on Stripe. They will submit refund requests to your bank or card issuer.

From their documentation, it can take up to 10 days for the refund to appear on your statement.

When you ask for a refund, it’s only fair that you get it as soon as possible. So, we’ll focus on what we can control (issuing the refund) without delay. We’ll also email you with a confirmation of that so you’re not left in the dark.


What else?

If it may please you, help us know where we went wrong so we don’t mess up in the future.

Thank you for trying us out, and we wish you well in your next adventure.

~ MemesThatPay

Refund request

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