30 Crazy Duolingo Memes To Make You Say, “Wow That’s Intense”

Have you ever come across a Duolingo Meme That makes you think, “Wait, the owl is supposed to be nice, right?”

That owl “Duo” (or more accurately the evil Duolingo owl) is really determined to make learn your language. And he’s not messing around.

Here are some of the best Duolingo memes where the owl took no chances.

Duolingo Memes

1. Thanks for the lesson, Duolingo.

duolingo how to save your family meme

2. Duolingo 10 – 0 The Guy

duolingo memes most forced

3. Thanks Duolingo. That’s useful in case I find myself in a situation that I’ll need to say this

4. French or be in a trench

duolingo spanish or vanish meme

5. Hasta la pasta

missed your italian lesson

6. No one escapes Duo

duo with the angel of death

7. 1000-day streak for this

8. Good

9. Now beg for your life in French

duolingo memes translate this sentence

10. Oh noooo

11. This is the story of my journey to learn the different languages of the world to master the ultimate one: the language of flirting

duolingo getting really reactive with their ads

12. He can still break your knees



14. You only need one anyways

when you forget your french lessons

15. Leave me up to Peter, I swear

16. Pay respects to this innocent soul

i need to learn spanish by tomorrow night at 9


18. Forgive me, Duo

19. Woah man, I’m just trying to learn German

i have your daughter duolingo meme


what if you wanted to go to heaven but god said you missed your spanish lesson

21. Be careful, learn some French or else Duo might commit some crimes

22. I don’t think there should be a difference between 2 and 3

heartbeat when you miss your spanish lesson

23. This is bad news

Translate the sentence "they are coming"

24. Flirting 101

Duolingo flirting. You look like my next girlfriend

25. … and I have a knife

I am in front of your house


What does die mean

27. Proof that he has lost it

28. Do you know why Duo is so jacked?

29. I’m done messing it up, got to face the consequences

duo will stop you from seeing your family

30. He’s following me even on discord

do your french and maybe ill stop following you

You better not miss a Duolingo lesson, because that owl is going to haunt you in your dreams.

Which one is your favorite of the Duolingo memes? To explore more of our meme compilations, see this.

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